Monday, September 6, 2010

August 26 Kayak Chamber's Island

Paddle to Chambers Island, by Moonlight

Launched from the Tennison Bay Kayak Launch about 6 PM
Landed on Chambers about 7:15
Left Chambers 7:25
Arrived back at the put in at 9 PM

Launch in Tennison Bay
Nice paddle…wind started out light from the SW and built into the mid-teens from the S with 2.5+ waves, before I reached Chambers.   I hurried getting a snack and drink as I wanted to get headed back so I would be through the larger waves before it became dark. 

On the beach at Chambers
The sun was going to set in about 20 minutes so I left. The wind was still building up into the high teens aand the wave were pushing 3 feet just before I reached Adventure Island. They gradually calmed down as I closed the distance to Adventure Island and reached its lee shore.  The rest of the paddle was more sheltered by the Islands and mainland so the waves gradually calmed .
Shortly after I left Adventure Island the moon rose just about where the landing should be, but as I got closer to shore it was actually blinding me from seeing the shoreline until I was close enough so the trees blocked it out.  Of course in the dark, finding the landing was difficult…I was counting on someone to sit on the ramp and watch the stars…if they bring kids, there are always flashlights. The couple there didn’t have any kids, but the dude was smoking a cigarette, and I saw the glow. I yelled to them if that was the boat ramp, yes came the reply and I yelled back that I thought you were going to built a bonfire so I could find my way back…they chuckled and he offered to help carry the boat up.

The trip was about 11 miles as I wandered a bit to be in the shelter of the Islands on the way back.

I had a light on, kept eyes and ears sharp for boats...saw none.   Had a radio, flares, strobe and cell.
I enjoy paddling or sailing in the dark...usually little to no boat traffic and basically a different world

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